Throughout my days as a child of God,i came across some funny memories when i was recalling the past about my "early days" on my walk with the father
psalms 143:5 I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works. I think about what you have done.(nlt) So exactlty i was doing all that,how HE worked through my life and how i responded.the funny part is my new passionate zeal about going all out to preach for him.I remember me telling my cell group leader in an e-mail about pop "idols" and how teenage girls can fall for these guys who hardly knew them...haha legalistic or what???
it is because of this particular verse that says :
And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. (WEB) 2 corin 11:14 And to think i had the guts and thick skin to "preach" such crazy and awkard message to my leader!!Laughable.I elaborated that some boybands and solo male singers use their charms to attract a girl fan,then get intimate with her and rape her OR make use of their own good looks to cause millions of love-stricken innocent girsl to go wild and out- of- control !!!!
And that is what i explained the 2 corin 11:14 verse!!!because satan is actually a handsome creation of God,only to become evil looking,as many said,like a serpent or dark lord after he fell.
i title my message "i felt God telling me to preach" and started off in my letter "bro,recently i felt God telling me to preach ..."( elaborated above ).He replied :" what u talking about?that is wrong is alright to have someone to admire,and it is not dangerous,but anyway,good try,but God is certaonly not telling u to preach now!!"(imagine the embarrasment i beared with the following week when i wa going to service!!!hahaha!) but luckily he didnt talk to me about it.Otherwise.....